Adjusting to Altitude
First up we fought a Scottish team coached by Gordan Mathie Sensei. Elliott got us off to a strong start,
Book your first lesson:
Adjusting to Altitude
What’s the point?
Guitars in the loft
One more week (2023)
I woz ere!
A MATTer of time: Ten years a Yondan. PART 1
Sally can wait….
Kerbing Alloys
Karate and the Revival
Training under the Joshua Tree
Wabi-Sabi and a trip doon the road!
Is that helpful?
Obla Di Obla Da …. A review of 2021!
‘Where’s the Respect?’
Biting Jelly Babies!
Clock Watching
What do I do? I’m Chasing rabbits!
I am NOT a machine! A lesson from Winston!
The Currency of Cool
Obi-Wan has taught you well!